Delete horizontal, vertical and angled lines from an image using Python to clear noise and read text with minimum errors
I was working on an algorithm to detect lines in a image. I found many solutions online, but none of them seem to work to my satisfaction. Thereafter, I decided to write an algorithm, which can work to my satisfaction. This algorithm can detect horizontal, vertical and angled lines.
Following is the pseudo code of the algorithm. The implementation is in Python and it uses third party code.
Following is the pseudo code of the algorithm. The implementation is in Python and it uses third party code.
- pix_array = Convert the image into 2D pixel array
- Mono chromate the pixel array by setting values between 0-200 as 0 (black) and greater than 200 as 255(white) as
- image_width = length of pix_array[0]
- image_height = length of pix_array
- Loop through pix_array, i.e. 1 pixel high horizontal slice of image:
- h = x coordinate of current pixel
- k = y coordinate of current pixel
- choose a value of radius as r
- draw a circle taking h,k as center using equation (X-h)^2 + (Y-k)^2 = r^2
- derive values of X and Y and check if pix_arrY[X][Y] is black (0)
- if black add them to possible line coordinate list
- loop through coordinate list obtained in step 5.6:
- choose tolerance_level for judging a fuzzy line, if line is fuzzy it may miss some pixels
- compute slope using h,k,X,Y
- count number of colored pixel on line segment
- if count falls in the tolerance range, navigate the pixels on line using slope and tolerance_level to get the complete line
- add the line to valid line list using start and end pixels
- Loop through the list of valid lines:
- set the color of all coordinates falling on line segment to white(255)
import numpy as np import cv2 import math from datetime import datetime from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance def timeit(method): def timed(*args, **kw): ts = result = method(*args, **kw) te = if 'log_time' in kw: dt = te-ts ms = (dt.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + dt.seconds) * 1000 + dt.microseconds / 1000.0 kw['log_time']['time_elapsed'] += ms else: print ('%r %2.2f ms' (method.__name__, (te - ts) * 1000)) return result return timed @timeit def contains_pixel(new_pixel, lines_list,**kwargs): for line in lines_list: for pixel in line: if new_pixel[0] == pixel[0] and new_pixel[1] == pixel[1]: return True return False def compute_slope (x1,x2,y1,y2): if x1-x2 == 0: return None return (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) def compute_x_position_for_circle(h,k,r,y): eq = (r*r) - ((y-k)*(y-k)) eq_sqrt = math.sqrt(eq) x_pos = int(eq_sqrt+h) return x_pos @timeit def get_line_coordinates(image_arr,h,k,r,black_shade=200,**kwargs): ''' (x-h)^2 + (y-k)^2 = r^2 ''' image_height = len(image_arr) image_width = len(image_arr[0]) coordinates =[] for i in range (k-r, k+r): if h+r > image_width or i<0 or i > image_height: continue x = compute_x_position_for_circle(h, k, r, i) if x >= image_width or i >= image_height: continue if image_arr[i][x] < black_shade: coordinates.append([x,i]) return coordinates def is_good_pixel(x, slope, intercept, image_array,black_shade=200): if slope is None: y = intercept else: y = int(intercept + (slope * x)) if y > 0 and y <=len(image_array): if image_array[y][x] <= black_shade: return y return None def line_detetction(color_map_array,image_arr,min_line_length_in_pixel=100,black_shade=200, pixel_error_tolerance=2): image_width = len(image_arr[0]) image_height = len(image_arr) detected_lines = [] time_taken_by_get_line_coordinates = {'time_elapsed':0} time_taken_by_contains_pixel = {'time_elapsed':0} x_hz = -1 y_hz = -1 total_pixels = sum(len(h_list) for h_list in colored_pixel_map) scanned_pixels = 0 for h_slice in color_map_array: for pixel_coordinates in h_slice: x = pixel_coordinates[0] y = pixel_coordinates[1] scanned_pixels += 1 i = (scanned_pixels / total_pixels) * 100 print('\rdetection progress : ' + str(i),end="") '''skip horizontal pixels that are already accounted for''' if x_hz is not None and y_hz is not None and x <= x_hz and y == y_hz: continue possible_line_coordinates = get_line_coordinates(image_arr,x,y,min_line_length_in_pixel,black_shade,log_time=time_taken_by_get_line_coordinates) for coordinates in possible_line_coordinates: c_x = coordinates[0] c_y = coordinates[1] possible_line = [] slope = compute_slope(x,c_x,y,c_y) previous_pointer = 0 if slope is None: previous_pointer = y for scanner in range(y,image_height): if image_arr[scanner][x] <= black_shade and scanner - previous_pointer -1 < pixel_error_tolerance: possible_line.append([x,scanner]) previous_pointer = scanner elif len(possible_line) >= min_line_length_in_pixel: detected_lines.append(possible_line[:]) possible_line.clear() break else: possible_line.clear() break else: intercept = c_y - (slope * c_x) previous_pointer = x for scanner in range(x , image_width): y_of_x = is_good_pixel(scanner, slope, intercept,image_arr, black_shade) x_hz = scanner y_hz = y_of_x if y_of_x is not None and scanner - previous_pointer -1 < pixel_error_tolerance: possible_line.append([scanner, y_of_x]) previous_pointer = scanner elif len(possible_line) >= min_line_length_in_pixel: detected_lines.append(possible_line[:]) possible_line.clear() break else: possible_line.clear() break return detected_lines def get_line_size_in_pixel_for_A4_image(image, line_size_in_mm): a4_width = 210 image_width_in_pixel = image.width return ( image_width_in_pixel / a4_width ) *line_size_in_mm def covert_pixels_array_to_image(pixel_array): return Image.fromarray(pixel_array) def save_image_w_lines(iproc_obj): img_lines = iproc_obj.draw_lines(orig_img_as_background=True) img_lines_file = '2_1.png' cv2.imwrite(img_lines_file, img_lines) def increase_contrast(image_name): image = image = ImageEnhance.Contrast(image).enhance(5) image = ImageEnhance.Sharpness(image).enhance(2) return image def image_to_array(image): im = image.convert('L') arr = np.fromiter(iter(im.getdata()), np.uint8) arr.resize(im.height, im.width) return arr def fill_color_in_images_pixels(image_pixel_array, replcement_pixel_list, fill_color=255, return_image= False): for lines in replcement_pixel_list: for pixel in lines: image_pixel_array[pixel[1]][pixel[0]]=fill_color if return_image is True: return covert_pixels_array_to_image(image_pixel_array) return image_pixel_array def detect_horizontal_line(horinatl_slice, min_line_length_in_pixel=10,pixel_error_tolearnce=3): if len(horinatl_slice) < min_line_length_in_pixel: return None anchor_pixel_pos = 0 line_segments = [] line = [] for pixel_pos in horinatl_slice: if anchor_pixel_pos == 0: anchor_pixel_pos = pixel_pos[0] - 1 if pixel_pos[0] - anchor_pixel_pos - 1 < pixel_error_tolearnce: line.append(pixel_pos) elif len(line) >= min_line_length_in_pixel: line_segments.append(line[:]) line.clear() else: line.clear() line.append(pixel_pos) anchor_pixel_pos = pixel_pos[0] return line_segments if len(line_segments) > 0 else None def detect_lines(colored_pixel_list, min_line_length_in_pixel=10, pixel_error_tolearnce=3): lines = [] for h_slice in colored_pixel_list: horizontal_line = detect_horizontal_line(h_slice,min_line_length_in_pixel,pixel_error_tolearnce) if horizontal_line is not None: lines.extend(horizontal_line) return lines def get_pixel_coordinate_map_for_staright_lines(image_pixel_array, black_shade=200): image_lines = [] for h, h_slice in enumerate(image_pixel_array): line = [] for v , pixel in enumerate(h_slice): if pixel < black_shade: line.append([v,h]) if len(line) > 0: image_lines.append(line[:]) line.clear() return image_lines source_img = '2.png' interim_img ='2_1.png' final_img = '2_2.png' data = image_to_array(increase_contrast(source_img)) colored_pixel_map = get_pixel_coordinate_map_for_staright_lines(data, black_shade = 200) angled_lines = line_detetction(colored_pixel_map,data,min_line_length_in_pixel=30,black_shade=200,pixel_error_tolerance=5) clean_img = fill_color_in_images_pixels(data,angled_lines,255,True)
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