
Showing posts from April, 2022

Unordered JSON compare for differences using javascript

Sometimes we need to programmatically compare JSON from two or more sources and determine what's the difference between them. The program below can do deep compare JSON even if they are not in the same order or conatins substructures and arrays. It provides the detailed list of mismatches and misses in both JSON's by calling out attributes with the same keys and different values or missing keys. const obj1={ "k1":"aq", "k2":"b", "k3":"c", "k4":{ "kk1":"aq", "kk2":"b", "kk3":"c", "kk4":{ "kkk1":"" }, "kk5":"abc" }, "k5":[{"kk5":"abc","kk6":"53"},{"kk5":"abc","kk6":"54"}] } const obj2={ "k1":"a", "k2...

HashiCorp Vault Integration with Ansible Etower using approle

HashiCorp Vault is  a secrets management tool specifically designed to control access to sensitive credentials in a low-trust environment . It can be used to store sensitive values and at the same time dynamically generate access for specific services/applications on lease.  Integrating the vault with Ansible Etower provides robust and secure automation. Following is the step-by-step guide for the integration. Enable key-value secret engine in Hashi Vault (also known as "kv" engine). Let's call the engine, the "kv" engine. Create a secret inside "kv". A secret can be a collection of key-value pairs or a JSON for nested structure.            Lets assume that secrets are stored as JSON  in the format   { "my_app":{ "service_account_name": "some_service", "service_account_password": "some_password" } } Create a secret policy defining what can be done with the above-defined secret. Create an...