Private Cloud- An insight


Cloud concept is not a new phenomenon. Since the beginning of client-server model, the cloud was there in in its evolutionary phase. In 1964 on OS/360 where the request was to run a job, and the response was the output, it was similar to SaaS (software as service). In late 1994 when Netscape browser was launched (a.k.a Mosaic) concept of SaaS picked the pace and transformed the internet as never seen before. Soon we were all checking our emails, browsing information over the internet on remote servers. Many frameworks were created to provide the content in best possible manner. This led to the growth of multi-threaded request processing capabilities on remote servers (APACHE web server become a default part of Linux distributions). Application development picked the pace and new frameworks, solutions were adapted to generate information in a dynamic way (JAVA multi-threading enabled web servers to serve multiple requests parallel from a single instance of the server). This revolution made the concept of the server (which was conceived as an appliance) to become an application.

Servers (at the application level) were now just like any other application, this gave the ability to run multiple applications as servers on a single hardware. This also made the servers portable, i.e. one can install and run it on any physical machine. So application becomes totally independent of the physical server and operating system. The operating system was still more or less attached to the physical server. With hypervisors gaining popularity, stability and plumbing cost of physical hardware (value of software is much bigger than hardware now), the age of virtualization was set.

Below is the chronology of events/ disruptions that changed the way infrastructure is managed in enterprises.

VMware launched VMware Virtual Center, the VMotion, and Virtual SMP technology
Amazon launched AWS as public cloud service
OpenStack launched as open source platform to deploy public and private cloud

Cloud offers three distinct services to consumers, SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS

SaaS: Software as service, don’t install software on your local machine, but use it remotely.
PaaS: Platform as service as the name suggests, environment to develop and host your applications on remote machines.
IaaS: Infrastructure as service, create infrastructure and build your own environment bottom up. Create compute (virtual machines), with storage and required networking.
This paper will focus on IaaS deployment and delivery in detail. Paper will also cover operational aspects of behind the scene IaaS.

 A Bare Metal Server

What is a bare metal server? This phrase is used very frequently in cloud computing world. Is it a computer machine in some metal chassis, with multiple ports and cavities staring at one’s face? Answer it is relative, or in simple words, any machine whether it is virtual or physical where one can install an operating system is a bare metal server. So a physical machine is indeed a bare metal but a virtual blank machine is also a bare metal.
Logically computer requires following three things to work as a generic all-purpose machine.
  • 1    Processor & RAM for computation and volatile storage (compute)
  • 2    Storage for recording data and files for long-term purpose (Disk, File Systems, and Files)
  •   Network to connect and talk to other devices
So logically if one can make available these three entities working together, we can have a computer machine. That’s what the role of hypervisors is, they create virtual representations of these three units on the top of underlying hardware to create a brand new computer. Now to use this machine, one need to install an operating system on it.

components of virtual machine

Virtual Machine & Environment

As discussed above virtual machine is a bare metal server. One can install the operating system and run their applications on it. So instead of putting a large number of physical boxes and cramming up space, one has the option to put the relatively bigger box and logically allocating resources from combined pool. Since virtualized machines behave like a physical machine there is great isolation that prevents conflicts between different users.
With isolation, there is one additional benefit of dispensability. Virtual machines can be shut down thrown away, recreated any number of times. If designed properly and data files are well separated from operating system files, these machines can be turned off on one physical machine and turned on at any other physical machine. Multiple instances of the same operating system and therefore application can be run like one can open multiple browsers on their desktops or laptops.

Virtual machines – What can be achieved

Virtualization opens doors for better asset management and application lifecycle control. Below are the salient features of virtualization.

  • Virtual machines run on top of hypervisor software, all popular hypervisors come with a user interface (a.k.a managers) to create, manage and migrate virtual machines.
  • Hypervisor managers don’t work across different hypervisor types. E.g. one cannot control KVM hypervisor with VMware.
  • Some managers provide automation module, to automatically schedule many provisioning jobs.
  • In a well-designed virtual machine operating system files will remain totally isolated from the application and user data files. This gives the advantage to spin up new VM’s and move VM around different physical machines.
  • More virtual machines can be created out of available resources rather than starting a grounds up procurement procedure as done with physical machines.
  • Making infrastructure available for end users is fast.
  • The network can be defined by the hypervisor software. It can be altered, augmented without any wiring or physical changes, given underlying physical infrastructure is set up in the correct manner ( a spine-leaf type of wiring for Ethernet).
  • The hypervisor can be used to provide switching, routing and DHCP functions to configure networks.
  • Load balancing concept can also be virtualized
  • So there are many salient features that are present in a virtualized environment. But there are some issues with this approach, however, this approach is better than legacy infrastructure setup in every manner.
  • One issue in this approach is vendor lockdown. One has to choose the appropriate underlying operating system (for hosting type 2 hypervisor) and the hypervisor and then live with it. Once an environment is created and scaled in production, users are left with the very little choice to change the components.
  • If one mixes different hypervisors in their environment, there will be interoperability issues as managers do not cross function.
  • Management through this will not be effective on very large scale.
So as we can see we can achieve a lot with virtualization but it falls behind in a certain aspect. This, however, does not suggest that virtualization should not be used, or some other solution can replace hypervisor-based virtual environments for a better layout in totality. 

Virtualization has a great advantage over the legacy environment, where applications were hosted on the physical servers directly. In past, the virtualization concept was tried from a different viewpoint (Zones and Vtier concept on Solaris environment), but implementation required a lot of policy enforcement at people level as Zones and Vtier concept does not provide a desirable level of isolation out of the box. 

Virtual machines – Virtual Network

Hypervisors act as switch and router for virtual machines created on them, let’s take all the use cases of networking that arise from virtualization.

Standalone Virtual Machine

In this mode, a machine is created, but it’s not connected to any network. It’s like having a machine without any network card. This setup is of practically no use, but for learning only. One can access this machine only through management console of host machine.

standalone VM without networking

Configuration with NAT (Network Address Translation)

Every standard libvirt installation provides NAT based connectivity to virtual machines out of the box. This is the so-called 'default virtual network'.

One can define their own IP network (given example uses 1922.168.122.0/24). Host machine uses libvirt to forward traffic from VM to external LAN/ WAN. No one can reach the VM’s as the example network ( is invisible from LAN. However one can use port forwarding on the host machine to VM to reach it from the external network. A new interface is created on the host machine by the name of virbr0.

The salient feature of this setup is it’s security as it is isolated from the external world.
Natted VM on Host

Configuration with MACVTAP

Macvtap driver (verified on KVM) extends an existing network interface, host machine has its own mac address on the same Ethernet segment. Typically, this is used to make both the guest and the host show up directly on the switch that the host is connected to.  An experimental setup results in the following connectivity.

As you can see in the given setup there is no MACVTAP IP assigned to host machine, VM’s and Host cannot connect to each other.  But since they are directly connected to LAN, communication can happen from VM to LAN and another way round. However, being on same network segment VM’s and host cannot talk even using LAN switch (L2), as switching relies on frames rather than IP address. In given situation switch understands underlay network setup only, it considers packets originating from VM-A, VM-B and Host machine from the same source as MAC address appears same to it.

To conquer this situation we need a bridge between MACVTAP and Host LAN/ WAN interface. 
MACVTAP VM configuration

Using Bridge Connection

This solution requires creating a bridge on the host machine and attaching the LAN interface to the bridge. The Later same bridge is plugged into VM as Ethernet interface. This creates an internal routing mechanism and every node is now connected to main LAN/ WAN with two-way traffic.

The connectivity on example setup looks like below.
VM-A can talk to VM-B using bridge interface at the host to route their packets. Bridge interface can also forward and receive packets from LAN/ WAN on behalf of VM’s and itself.
This scheme is good where one needs full connectivity, but it is weak on security if used as it is. There is no isolation on VM from LAN/ WAN.
VM and Host attached to Bridge Interface

Virtual machines – Storage

A computer requires a secondary storage to retain its files. Without secondary storage, computer cannot even boot, as there will be no operating system to load. Secondary storage can be local in the form of a local disk device or can be remote (in this case computer can boot using PXE routines).
As with all other aspects of computing, it is possible to virtualize storage. Virtualization creates a layer of abstraction between the underlying hardware and the virtual system, so heterogeneous physical storage media can be combined to create a homogeneous storage pool. Virtual machines have the privilege to define virtual disks (this disk just become a file on the main disk). However, a physical disk can also be assigned as a whole to a virtual machine.
A computer needs OS kernel to boot and device drivers to load and control devices. With Linux, it is very handy to separate storage devices for boot sequence (OS image files) and user data/ files.
There are two primary forms of virtual storage, ephemeral storage, and persistent storage.

Ephemeral Storage

Ephemeral storage is the default form of storage for most virtualization platforms. The defining characteristic of ephemeral storage is its inability to survive virtual machine termination. Within that constraint, there are two forms of ephemeral storage, boot-ephemeral storage, and boot-persistent storage.

Boot-Ephemeral Storage

Boot-ephemeral storage is a storage volume attached to the virtual machine. These volumes are usually attached in read-write mode, so they are capable of performing useful storage functions. However, they are destroyed when the virtual machine is shut down, and are re-instantiated when the virtual machine is booted. Boot-Ephemeral volumes present an empty storage space on every boot.

Boot-Persistent Storage

Boot-persistent storage is a form of ephemeral storage capable of surviving virtual machine shutdown. This form is commonly used as the root disk for a given virtual machine. Boot-persistent ephemeral storage is not generally used for other attached disks. Data saved to boot-persistent volumes will be available on the next machine reboot. However, one the virtual machine is deleted from the hypervisor, any boot-persistent volumes will be deleted as well.

Persistent Storage

Persistent storage is capable of preserving data across multiple machine creation and deletion. This type of storage is typically block-level storage and emulates a classic hard drive. Persistent volumes can be used in the same way as any physical hard drive. They can be mounted, unmounted, written and read. Persistent volumes can, therefore, be used as root disks, allowing custom virtual machines to be created and deleted as needed while preserving customization. 

Cloud Computing

“The practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer.”
The scope of computing covers following three aspects depending what one requires as described above in introduction sections of this document.
  1. IaaS: Infrastructure as server
  2. PaaS: Platform as server
  3. SaaS: Software as server
Virtualization provides a lot of flexibility, as it exposes commands/ API’s which can be envoked via scripts. This opens up numerous opportunities to use virtualization to achieve much easier management of day to day operations. This flexibility allows IT operations (especially Infrastructure management services group) to lower its turnaround time to make IT infrastructure ready for business. Following are salient features of cloud computing.
  1. Allocation of servers as base infrastructure to business users is quick, as IT has to allocate VM’s instead of running full procurement cycle for additional hardware.
  2. Failover of application is easy, as VM can be migrated to another set of hardware in case of host hardware failure.
  3. IMS work of doing security patching and upgrades on the operating system is relatively easier.
  4. If sufficient computing capacity is available, more instances of the application (given application architecture allows horizontal scaling) can be turned on in short time, in the case of load crisis.

There are a ton of other benefits that come from virtualization when this scheme is bundled as a managed software. Like these benefits were presented as a complete product suite by VMware as private cloud and AWS (Amazon web services) as public cloud. There are some other ways by which cloud form can be achieved within an organization, but all this require a management layer which is as complex as the operating system.

Private Cloud – Assumptions & Myth

When IT transforms from legacy model to cloud model, there are a lot of assumptions among IT and business people. This confusion is obvious as cloud literacy is lacking among IT and business people likewise. Following are some assumptions that are prevalent among IT people.

Myth: Every application from legacy world need to move on cloud

Every application need not be on a cloud environment. Cloud provides some distinct capabilities and if applications do not require those capabilities or do not have compatible architecture, they need not move to Cloud environment. However, every application can be moved to the virtual machine.

Myth: Virtualization and Cloud are same.

No, they are not. Virtualization is a necessary ingredient of cloud, but in itself, it is not cloud. Cloud is an ecosystem built on top of virtualization. It provides all the functions of virtualization over a (very large) aggregation of machines distributed over geography. It also provides several other facilities and utilities as building blocks for applications. Many aspects like in and out scaling, high availability are out of box solutions available on cloud ecosystems.
Remember Cloud operating system are different than normal operating system images. Cloud images boot non-interactively or silently (it will not ask you for username, password, disk format etc.). Normal OS when installed requires many inputs from admins at install time.
So if organizations start using virtualization it does not means they are fully ready for transition into a cloud environment. 

Public Cloud: Ease of doing business

There are many public cloud providers in the market today, providing cloud facilitates over the Internet. Giants like Amazon, Google, Redhat, Rackspace etc.. provide very mature and end to end well-integrated platforms to host and create your applications. 

Let’s take an overview of AWS (Amazon Web Services) and see what can be achieved on a cloud.

AWS service offerings

The above screenshot is taken on (2/2/2017) and shows latest offerings to the mentioned date. AWS provides services in all three flavors (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS).

Suppose yourself as a business owner selling some merchandise. You have stores in many locations and you have decided to start selling online too. What you need, to begin with?
The answer may be following:

  • An e-commerce web portal as a customer frontend for desktop based consumers.
  • native or non-native e-commerce app for mobile platforms as an interface.
  • A middleware to host application logic (3 tier application with Model, View & Controller planes)
  • A database to store merchandise details

Now you can use either IaaS or PaaS services to create your new business.
In IaaS model you can get EC2 instances (virtual machines with full network and public facing addresses) and install your application, related software like Tomcat and database. You will have a lot of control over your environment in this case. Remember with more power comes more responsibility.

In PaaS model, you can leverage services provided out of the box by AWS and start running your business. E.g. you can rent database instead of renting an EC2 instance and install it yourself. This will cost you more in AWS bills but will you will not be required to maintain a database (activities like backup, expand, failover etc.) yourself. 

A middle path is also available when you use a blend of IaaS and PaaS. Thus let’s assume you rent EC2 servers for hosting application and middleware but use an Amazon provided database instead of using your own.

After some time you see that your online store is working very well. A lot of people are visiting your store and demand is growing. You also notice that sometimes application is responding slowly. This means you need to increase server capacity by either adding more resources to your existing servers (increasing CPU and memory) or add more servers. Since its cloud auto scale is part of the package, you just need to decide when. If you know the timelines it well and good, but if you are unsure it’s better to make it event based.

Thus you may require some monitoring tool. AWS has one which comes out of the box called CloudWatch. It will trigger event to add or remove additional computation power from your portfolio. You can add additional alerts to be emailed to you in case you some problem happens by using AWS notification service SNS.

One day you receive an email from SNS that out 500 GB space you started with 450 GB is used. When you check you find that log files are taking too much space. You have two options now.

  •  If logs are not important, delete them and recover space. You can also relieve yourself by employing automation in such event using OpsWorks.
  • If logs are important from business or legal standpoint, you can buy extra space and expand. However, there is another alternative called S3, which provides cheaper and scalable space if you wish to archive your logs. You can also use OpsWorks to automatically move your logs to S3 for next time onwards.
1Let’s assume you choose S3 options. One day you realize that there is a lot you can do with dormant data you threw in S3 chest. If you could mine this data you can get valuable input to optimize and grow your online business. 

Again AWS platform can help you. There are again some options that you need to choose from. Options may be as follows:

  • You can add more compute and add your own software to analyze the data.
  • Rent Hadoop or other related services directly from AWS to analyze your data.
This mentioned use case is very limited and shows reactionary situations. However, people do and should plan the system well in advance in terms of what they need from the platform.

However AWS platform in the benchmark for private cloud implementations. Most of the questions that originate while deploying private cloud can be answered by looking into AWS model.

Openstack – Operating System for Private Cloud

OpenStack is open source cloud enabling a solution for in premises private cloud or AWS-like public cloud. It is also called operating system of cloud a. In nutshell one can manage a large set of hardware with this solution (hardware resources appear as pool). OpenStack is the open source community managed software, with many leading open source vendors providing different support and subscription model.
At very high-level OpenStack can be broken down into three main components.


As the name sounds this is command center of OpenStack deployment. Multiple utilities make the controller. The objective of the controller, is to control all other hardware in the given deployment through its agents (Nova, Swift, Cinder and Neutron) to create VM’s, storage, file systems and networks on demand.

The controller may be one node, server or bare-metal (in the modern terminology). However, it is not necessary to pack all the following software on one node. This software can be distributed among various nodes to create distributed controller. Following is the easiest and straightforward configuration. In a single OpenStack cloud deployment, there may be more than one controller for failover purpose.

Following is the list of software that should be part of controller (The list may vary by implementations/ versions)

  1. Relational database (Openstack uses Maria DB out of the box), for management & mapping data.
  2. A NoSQL database for telemetry records (Openstack uses MongoDB as default).
  3. AMQP server (A queue service for message exchange between different OpenStack components, RabbitMQ is out of box option with Openstack)
  4. A dashboard for visual interaction (Horizon). 
  5. Keystone Server, for identity management.
  6. An orchestration service (Heat)
  7. An image manager service (Glance) to maintain copies of OS image files and snapshots.
  8. A service to interact with compute nodes (Nova)
  9. A service to create, configure networking for VM’s (Neutron)
  10. A service to control and manage block storage (Cinder)
  11. A service for storing and managing objects (Swift- Proxy)
  12. A service to collect usage records from VM’s (Ceilometer)


Compute is the bare metal server, on which one will create end user VM’s (will also be referred as workloads). Compute will have OpenStack components to talk back to the controller and carve out VM with required CPU, memory, storage and networking. These nodes will require following components on them.

  1. Nova to create workloads of a given configuration.
  2. Neutron to create a network of given configuration
  3. Ceilometer to collect and send telemetry records back to the controller.


There are two types of storage that are required to create and maintain end user workloads.

Object Storage

Object storage is required to store OS image files, backups and snapshots and make them available to end user on demand. OpenStack by default uses swift object storage (there are many backend object storage solutions that can be used, like CEPH from a red hat). 

Use case: Store centos operating system image and show its availability to end user on Horizon dashboard with its metadata (like architecture type, minimum hardware requirements)

Solution:  Upload the image to either local (in /var/lib/glance/ images on the controller or any node where Glance server resides) or on backend storage system like CEPH or swift for high availability.  

OpenStack provides Swift object storage solution out of the box. To configure a bare metal with object store, we need to run following services on the given node.

  1. swift-account-auditor
  2. swift-object-auditor
  3. swift-container-auditor
  4. swift-object-reconstructor
  5. swift-account-reaper
  6. swift-container-updater
  7. swift-object-replicator
  8. swift-container-sync
  9. swift-container-replicator
  10. swift-account-replicator
  11. swift-object-updater

Block Storage

Block storage is an allocation of raw storage to VM. Block storage is also known as Volume in OpenStack environment. Volumes can be attached to any VM as persistent storage. So if one kills a VM, deletes it, migrates it, the volume will remain persistent and can be reattached to a VM. Think volume as a USB drive which you can plugin into any computer.

Cinder is the OpenStack component which needs to be installed on any bare metal with a proper operating system where one need to configure block storage. Volumes in Cinder are managed using an iSCSI (Internet Small Computer System Interface) and LVM (Linux logical volume manager).

LVM is volume management technology that is used by Cinder. LVM has a lot of advantages, listed below.
  1. One can group multiple storage units (Local Hard Drives, SAN, NAS and even USB drives) into a single continuous storage pool. LVM works as an aggregator of storage.
  2. Volumes groups can be created out of continuous storage pool.
  3. Volumes can be created and mounted anytime. Even snapshot of a working mounted volume is possible.
  4. Volumes can be expanded or reduced depending on requirements.  
  5. Additional storage units can be added in real time.

Following software is required on block storage node.
  • Cinder (compute)
  • Cinder-volume: A service that controls LVM group called cinder-volumes. 
(Illustration on next page shows minimal requirements to run Openstack cloud, this is not production grade and should be used towards building test or lab environments)

  Openstack – Network Requirements

As seen above OpenStack is the big complex system. It requires a lot of components to run together for creating a cloud environment for end-user workloads (a.k.a VM). Since VM’s will have their own business related traffic, sharing same network resources with data spitting OpenStack components is not a good idea.

Business traffic may consume network bandwidth to choke OpenStack components and may result in the downfall of Cloud.  On the other hand, OpenStack may also consume too much bandwidth for business traffic to suffer. So OpenStack has distinct network requirements, to separate business traffic and OpenStack management traffic.

(Below illustration shows minimal network requirements) 

Minimal Network Requirement (courtesy:
However, some scheme may use 3 network options (will require additional network cards on storage nodes) to further bifurcate OpenStack traffic into regular and storage networks.

The figure below illustrates an example multi-site reference of the Openstack cloud. We will use this network diagram as a reference for some use cases to discuss and understand the concept of cells, availability zones, and multi-site cloud. Here in this figure, there are two OpenStack clouds on LHS (left-hand side) and RHS (right-hand side), connected over WAN (wide area network). There are VM’s (VM-1, VM-2, VM-3, and VM-4) created over two sides and are connected to WAN.

We are putting a lot of emphasis on networking model of different use cases because networking is one of the most crucial aspects of virtualization and cloud services. 

 OpenStack and network layers

OSI Model
This is popular OSI model for network beginners. OpenStack networks revolve mostly around Data Link layer (switches or Layer2 or L2) and Network layer (routers or Layer 3 or L3). As its clear, it OSI model, all the layers above Physical Layer (L1) are a just abstraction. Two machines connected with wire or wireless connection need to configure all above abstractions properly to create a proper communication channel, which is called “Network” in common language.

OSI model supports virtualization from its inception. OpenStack or any other virtualization technology reuses age old network architecture to recreate overlays over existing physical network.

 Openstack Network Example

This section talks about OpenStack tenant networks. These networks are meant for internal connectivity between workloads (VM’s) and external connectivity on different corporate networks depending on requirements.

In the given example “private” network with subnet “private-subnet” is default network available to VM’s that are created.  Network “internet” is a corporate network which can be accessed over the internet. Network “ext-net is a corporate network for private LAN.

So VM’s can be created using any network. A VM can be created as isolated node using the private network and provided access to external users using floating IP’s from either or both of two external networks. A VM can also be created directly using either or both of external networks (a.k.a provider networks) 

example with 2 external and one private network
The below figure illustrates how a VM is created with a private network and how the connectivity with external networks happen. Note how different subnets are in place, packets in one subnet can reach the other destination as it uses L2 layer of OSI model. When packets are interchanged between subnets as happening with two routers we have in this scheme, an L3 layer of OSI model is used. Note this L2 and L3 communication channels are supported by OpenStack, when the VM’s are residing on the single physical node.

 In enterprise environment, VM’s can reside on multiple physical nodes (nodes can also be scattered geographically among different data centers). This brings in underlying network entities like physical switches and routers in the mix. Modern infrastructure is build using routers and switches which are smart and can be configured with various permutations for L2 and L3 packet transfers. In this modern networking equipment, the control function is detached from the actual hardware of equipment and control function is called “control plane” and physical hardware is called “data plane”.

Since control plane is nothing but a software entity which can be deployed on some remote simple computer, VM’s become choice of host for this software. Interestingly the control plane can also be used to manage the vSwitches (virtual switches) and vRouters (virtual routers). In nutshell, dissociation of control plane and data plane paves the way of SDN (software-defined networking).

OpenStack can be configured to work with third party vRouter and vSwitch, depending on requirement. However, neutron provides many rich functions for L2 and L3 out of the box.

VM with two provider networks & private network

Openstack – Operations Management

OpenStack is meant to scale, that means the creation of a cloud that spawns across datacenters and geographies. But before going there, we need to understand following aspects of cloud usage from OpenStack perspective.

Private cloud can be broadly classified into two major teams in the terms of management.

  1. Cloud Infrastructure team
  2. Cloud Users team (Projects and Tenants)
Private Cloud Teams

This structure looks similar to what we have and had for years in traditional IT environment. Infrastructure teams were people whom we called system/ network administrators and IT teams used to engage them on need basis. In private cloud the broad classification remains some but some more responsibilities got added on both ends to make overall IT more responsive and robust.

In principle both need not to know about each other on day-to-day operations basis. Both teams have very well defined roles with clear segregated duties. They must nor play in each other’s domain to keep things well managed and tidy.

However despite all the care, design and thought meeting this objective is very tough, but all energies must be diverted in this direction.

Let’s discuss about the roles and responsibilities of both team and their segregation of duties.

Like any other software, Openstack needs to be.

  • Managed and supported: Make sure all OpenStack components are running good. This comes in addition to user workloads health and performance.
  • Upgraded: Upgrade to latest Openstack release. 
  • Deployed: Deployment of new sites
  • Expanded: Adding more servers as compute or storage nodes.
  • Enhanced: New software components are added into the current OpenStack environment. 
OpenStack makes the grass on business side green but it comes with its own complexity for infrastructure support groups (Server administrators, data center architects and designers and Network teams).

Openstack – Infrastructure Teams

Openstack infrastructure teams can now further be subdivided into two further teams:
  1. Engineering and development.
  2. Operations and support

Engineering and Operations Teams


OpenStack components need to be monitored using different monitoring tools. OpenStack needs multiple services to run simultaneously to execute user workload requests. Monitoring the crucial services becomes essential for the smooth working of the cloud.

The aspect of monitoring covered in this document only pertains to bare metal and process related to OpenStack. This document does not talk about workload monitoring.  

OpenStack need following aspects to be monitored.

  1. Log files: Most OpenStack components log in /var/log, these files need to be monitored for error strings.
  2. All the OpenStack processes need to be monitored to see whether they are in running state or not. Since OpenStack is open source, it’s advised to use open source tools like Nagios for monitoring OpenStack process status.
  3. Openstack uses a relational database as a data store for all its critical services. One need to monitor this database for its response time and availability.
  4. Openstack uses HTTP server (apache) to run the horizon and swift proxy. The server should be monitored for response time and availability.
  5. OpenStack runs messaging queue for inter-component communication. These queues should be monitored for the buildup of pending messages. 
  6. Nova services need to be monitored of the compute nodes for its availability. Choice of the tool is Nagios.
  7. Cinder services need to be monitored on block storage node. 
  8. Block storage devices mounted on the block storage node need to be monitored for their availability. However, in the case of failure, this will also be visible from workload monitoring. 
  9. Swift services need to be monitored on object storage nodes.
  10. CPU and memory utilization of Controller node need to be monitored. These stats for OpenStack nodes can also be gathered via Ceilometer. 

Most of the monitoring tools need their own data storage systems and tenants may also use same installation of monitoring tools to monitor their workloads. This makes to organizations choose one of following models.

  1. Keep OpenStack monitoring separate from workload monitoring i.e. if tenants also use Nagios to monitor their workloads, use two different installations of Nagios. In this case, additional bare metal can be dedicated for monitoring traffic over management network. 
  2. Create a separate monitoring tenant in the cloud to put all the monitoring tools and share them both for OpenStack and tenant workloads.

Let’s see how the network configuration will look in both scenarios.
Tools Infrastructure deployed over cloud

In above deployment, tool infrastructure (agent-master mode, or agentless) is put on the cloud. Both physical layer and workloads are using cloud deployment.

Physical layer tool infra is separate from cloud tool infra

This deployment uses a model where tools of physical layer are hosted on physical infrastructure (may be reusing the controller nodes themselves).  


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