Delete horizontal, vertical and angled lines from an image using Python to clear noise and read text with minimum errors
I was working on an algorithm to detect lines in a image. I found many solutions online, but none of them seem to work to my satisfaction. Thereafter, I decided to write an algorithm, which can work to my satisfaction. This algorithm can detect horizontal, vertical and angled lines. Following is the pseudo code of the algorithm. The implementation is in Python and it uses third party code. pix_array = Convert the image into 2D pixel array Mono chromate the pixel array by setting values between 0-200 as 0 (black) and greater than 200 as 255(white) as image_width = length of pix_array[0] image_height = length of pix_array Loop through pix_array, i.e. 1 pixel high horizontal slice of image: h = x coordinate of current pixel k = y coordinate of current pixel choose a value of radius as r draw a circle taking h,k as center using equation (X-h)^2 + (Y-k)^2 = r^2 derive values of X and Y and check if pix_arrY[X][Y] is black (0) if black add them to possible line c...