git switch all projects on your local from one branch to other
Many a times we have to switch projects from one git branch to other in our workspaces. With handful of projects it is easy to do in your editor or to use command line.
However if the number if projects is bigger, it become monotnous boring and cumbersome.
Following is the simple shell script to help with that. The prerequisite is that all projects must be in same directory and your credentials are already set and saved for git repository.
The script will show all branches for suggestion. Just select the one you want to switch to by simple copy and paste.
However if the number if projects is bigger, it become monotnous boring and cumbersome.
Following is the simple shell script to help with that. The prerequisite is that all projects must be in same directory and your credentials are already set and saved for git repository.
The script will show all branches for suggestion. Just select the one you want to switch to by simple copy and paste.
#!/bin/bash COL='\033[0;33m' #Yellow RED_COL='\033[0;31m' RESETCOL='\033[0m' unset SELECTED_BRANCH START_DIR=`pwd` echo "select a branch you want to switch, from listed branches" for i in */ ; do if [ -d "$i/.git" ]; then echo -e "${COL}--##__ $i __##--${RESETCOL}" cd $i if [ -z $SELECTED_BRANCH ]; then branches=`git branch -a| sed -e 's/remotes\/origin\///g'` echo "$branches" echo "which branch to switch to ?" echo -e "${COL}" read -p "Which branch to switch (copy from one listed above) : " SELECTED_BRANCH echo -e "${RESETCOL}" if [[ $branches != *"$SELECTED_BRANCH"* ]];then echo -e "${RED_COL}No such branch exists. Exiting program.${RESETCOL}" exit 0 fi fi git checkout $SELECTED_BRANCH git pull echo -e "" cd $START_DIR fi done
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