group by weak of month in mssql

Let the data be in format

CREATE TABLE contacts (
         id INT,
         status VARCHAR(100),
         created DATETIME DEFAULT NULL
INSERT INTO contacts (id,status,created) VALUES(3,'3','2015-05-12');
INSERT INTO contacts (id,status,created) VALUES(4,'4','2015-02-09');
INSERT INTO contacts (id,status,created) VALUES(5,'5','2011-07-12');
INSERT INTO contacts (id,status,created) VALUES(6,'5','2015-05-01');
INSERT INTO contacts (id,status,created) VALUES(7,'3','2011-06-12');
INSERT INTO contacts (id,status,created) VALUES(8,'2','2011-07-12');
INSERT INTO contacts (id,status,created) VALUES(9,'1','2011-05-12');
INSERT INTO contacts (id,status,created) VALUES(10,'1','2011-06-12');
INSERT INTO contacts (id,status,created) VALUES(11,'1','2011-05-12');
INSERT INTO contacts (id,status,created) VALUES(12,'1','2011-06-12');
Now the requirement is to find weekly counts, by week of month as 'first week of November'. The following query will help.

with T as
select id,
convert(varchar,(datepart(week,created)) +1 -
as week_key
from contacts)
select count(*) as counter,week_key
from T
group by week_key

Follow following link for demo.!6/423bf/2/0


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