Unix/Linux Inline command for extracting file and filetype

 filetype=`echo $f | awk '{n=split($0, a, ".")} END{print a[n] }'`  

 filename=`echo $f | awk '{n=split($0, a, "/")} END{print a[n] }'`  

where $f is the full path of the file. It can be used directly too as..

 filetype=`echo "/home/myuser/a.b.c.d.txt" | awk '{n=split($0, a, ".")} END{print a[n] }'`  

output : txt

 filename=`echo "/home/myuser/a.b.c.d.txt" | awk '{n=split($0, a, "/")} END{print a[n] }'`  

output: a.b.c.d


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